Thanks Again To The National Safety Council

Last month it was my privilege to attend the National Safety Council’s annual conference in Atlanta, and to be a recipient of one of NSC’s 2015 Teen Driving Safety Leadership Awards.  The photo is me with NCS President, and former Chair of the National  Transportation...

Dropping “Accident,” Using “Crash”

Below is an email received from my friend Candace Lightner, founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and  a national traffic safety advocate.  She has been a leader in this very worthwhile movement to get journalists and writers to make a simple but profound cultural...

Another Amazing Insight Into Parenting

Friends: I continue to receive comments from parents about His Father Still — insightful comments that go well beyond what I wrote and provide a depth of perspective that leaves me speechless. Below, with permission, but with names deleted to protect privacy, a...

And Here Is A Letter From A Father

Tim:  From the first page, until the last, I was riveted, awestruck and enthralled.  I must confess, however, that I misunderstood the purpose of the book.  I thought, mistakenly, that the book was a sequel to Not So Fast, and was in the same manner a teen driving...

A Letter From A Mother About His Father Still

As I was writing His Father Still, my agent Joy and I tried to convince editors that the book’s audience would be much more than bereaved parents — that the book would appeal to all parents, because one of its central messages is to cherish the teen you...