When I published Not So Fast back in September 2013, I said (and have repeated many times since) that proceeds from the book would benefit traffic safety programs. My family and I are thrilled to announce the Reid Hollister Scholarship. We have made a contribution... read more
My daughter, who is studying video game design, alerted me to a new game on the market that promotes texting and driving. This game is simply repulsive and should be illegal.... read more
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a leading researcher of the causes of teen driver crashes, has published new results based on their testing of teen’s use of driving simulators. CHOP reports that among those tested, the three most frequently... read more
I am pleased to pass along the attached very timely and informative summary, from the National Safety Council, about the dangers of teen driving during the summer months. ... read more
On Wednesday May 27, I was honored to be asked to contribute to a teen driving story on the CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley. The new study from the AAA Foundation documents that over the past twenty years, two thirds of the people who have died in crashes involving... read more
I am blessed to get many emails from parents of teen drivers. Reprinted below is one of the nicest I have received, a good example of why I do what I do, and what keeps me going: Dear Mr. Hollister, As a parent of an 11th grade daughter, preparing for her upcoming... read more
USA Today has reported that the Secret Service, not the President or Mrs. Obama, has taught Malia Obama how to drive. So now I know why I never got an answer to my letter, see below.... read more
Working on safer teen driving for the past seven years, I have met many extraordinary people. Such as Audrey Apanovitch, now a senior at Glastonbury High School here in Connecticut. One of Audrey’s best friends, Jane Modlesky, died in a one-car crash in July 2013. ... read more
Happy Global Youth Traffic Safety Month to all. As it has for years, the National Organizations for Youth Safety, www.noys.org, is leading the activities this month. On April 30th, at Glastonbury High School here in Connecticut, I learned about implementation of a... read more