A listing of my most recent posts. For the full list, please refer to the Archives

A Birthday Wish

Today would have been Reid’s 22nd birthday. In this blog, I try not to be emotional or maudlin, but to use the conviction drawn from my experience with the worst case scenario of teen driving to convey to parents clear, sensible advice about keeping their teen... read more

Using a GPS to Track Teen Drivers: Legal?

One of the ways that parents can use technology to keep close track of their teen’s driving is to install a Global Positioning System in the teen’s car.  I have not researched the expense, reliability, or practicality of these systems, but there is no... read more

Essential Driver Safety Equipment: Your Ears

Yogi Berra is credited with saying,  “You can observe a lot just by watching.” Part of my research for this blog is simply watching, to the extent I safely can, what other drivers, especially young ones, do when they are on the road.  A recent... read more

Saving On Gas: A Two-Edged Sword For Teen Driving

The high price of gasoline is a push and pull, a double-edged sword, for teen driver safety.  Teen driver crash rates have been declining modestly but steadily during the past several years.  Undoubtedly, stricter Graduated Driver Laws and more attentive parents are... read more

New Distracted Driving Headaches

Two national news articles in the past few days promise even more problems with distracted driving.  First, a major car manufacturer has admitted that its newest dashboard-mounted technology, a screen that allows Internet browsing and synchronizing with a mobile phone... read more

A National TV Video Launch!

Last month I was invited by the National Organizations for Youth Safety ( to participate in a four minute public service video on teen driving.  The main purpose of the video is to promote NOYS’s safe teen driving website for parents,... read more

Summer: The Most Dangerous Season

Many of the statistics that government and non-profit agencies provide about safe driving in general and teen driving in particular confirm things we highly suspect or seem to know intuitively, and so it is with alarming new data issued last week at the launch of the... read more

Taking On The World, One Crash At A Time

I suppose we all aspire to be part of something bigger than ourselves, but yesterday was, by any measure, an experience on a different level. I was invited by the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) to attend the launch of a ten-year international campaign... read more

Headfakes From Experts

My last post commented on an article in The New York Times entitled “New Lessons to Pave a Road to Safety” (April 18, 2011, by Tara Parker-Pope), which spotlighted recent research on the impacts of high school starting times on teen driver crash rates. ... read more