A listing of my most recent posts. For the full list, please refer to the Archives

Five Years Later: What Keeps Me Focused on Safe Teen Driving

As I mark five years since Reid’s crash, I feel a need to explain myself – why I publish this blog, what I am trying to achieve.  That is, today is my own personal GPS day, a time to look back at the route taken and to consider the destinations ahead.... read more

Positive Parenting of Teen Drivers

I have spent lots of time on this blog warning parents what not to do:  Don’t let your personal convenience get in the way of safety.  Don’t be desensitized  by popular culture and entertainment and the news media to the dangers of driving.  Don’t be... read more

“Connected Cars”: The Next Threat To Teen Drivers

In past blog posts, I have discussed the future of in-vehicle technology, highlighting the looming problem of dashboard-mounted screens with Internet access and interactive controls that will transform distracted driving from a teenagers- texting problem to a... read more

Project Yellow Light

Last month I attended the National Distracted Driving Summit, in Washington, D.C., organized  by the National Organizations for Youth Safety,  While there, I met a dynamo from Virginia named Julie Garner and learned about Project Yellow Light.... read more

Safe Teen Driving News

This post provides several national updates about safe teen driving: Writer Sharon Silke Carty of the Huffington  Post / continues her excellent series about teen driving.  If you have not visited, I highly recommend it.  Her most recent article is... read more

An Unintended Consequence of Graduated Driver Licensing Laws

In 2008, Connecticut transformed its teen driving laws for 16 and 17 year olds from one of the most lenient in the country to one of the toughest.  We tightened and lengthened passenger restrictions, increased the hours required to get a license, moved the nighttime... read more

Teen Driving Mistakes, And The Puzzle Of Driver’s Education

As regular readers of this blog know, for almost two years I have been plugging away at two recurring themes:  even the most sensible and well-trained teen drivers make mistakes that lead to crashes, and driving school education for teens provides the most basic level... read more

Thoughts On The Linwood, New Jersey Crash

Ten days ago, eight football players in southern New Jersey got into an SUV after a morning practice, headed to a restaurant.  The driver, who was licensed, was 17, and his seven passengers ranged in age from 15 to 17.  New Jersey’s teen driver law prohibits... read more

Simulators And High-Performance Driving Schools

Two ways to supplement a teen driver’s actual behind-the-wheel training time are simulators and high performance driving programs.  Each has a benefit.  If we conceive of driving as the experience of reacting correctly to the complex and rapidly-changing... read more

The Best Car for a Teen

This is another two-edged sword topic; the title could suggest that choosing a particular make and model car somehow overcomes the risks discussed in previous posts.  This is not the case, and the only advice for this topic that is consistent with this blog is:  the... read more