A listing of my most recent posts. For the full list, please refer to the Archives

Parents Of Teen Drivers — On The Same Page?

Faithful readers of this blog, I think, would agree that one of my recurring efforts and themes is to make parents aware of aspects of teen driving that are less than obvious  — that is, just below the surface of our consciousness, and therefore not realized or... read more

Two Reminders on Technology Risks for Teen Drivers

A reminder to parents about two topics I have posted about previously: wearing headphones, and using a GPS. I came across an article from the Canadian version of the Huffington Post, reporting on two separate incidents in which teen drivers were killed when they cars... read more

Various Voices in Teen Driving

In my recent post entitled “Safe Teen Driving On The Front Page,” I reviewed a New York Times article that spotlighted teen driver passenger restrictions and vehicle decals, with a focus on New Jersey’s strict laws.  As most newspapers do today, the... read more

Mistaken Advice For Parents Of Teen Drivers

Every so often I come across an article for parents of teen drivers that makes me grimace: well intentioned, but wrong.  Today, with apologies to the organization that wrote it, I will explain why the advice given in a recent post is way off the mark.  I will not link... read more

Safe Teen Driving On The Front Page

It is not every day that safe teen driving makes the front page of a national newspaper, but yesterday The New York Times featured a front page story, “Youth Driver Limits Curb Even the Double Date”,... read more

An Illustration of Driving Distractions

The folks at Auto Insurance Quotes were kind enough to send along a post from their blog, based on some of my past posts, that pulls together the “Eight Biggest Distractions Behind The Wheel” in a nicely illustrated article.  The link is:... read more

Warning Teen Drivers About “Blindzones”

A teen, at home, suddenly realizes that she is late — for school, sports, an activity, a community event, a family gathering, a date, whatever.  She races into the kitchen, grabs the car keys from the basket, jumps into the car, starts the engine, and starts... read more