A listing of my most recent posts. For the full list, please refer to the Archives

The Google Self Driving Car

I am at the Governors Highway Safety Association conference in San Diego, where I had the chance to see and sit in the world famous Google self-driving car. It felt like standing next to the Wright Brothers on... read more

Guest Post: Talking to Teens About Drinking and Driving

I am pleased today  to offer a guest post by Bill Akintoye of Shabana Motors in Houston, Texas.  Bill talks regularly to teens and families about cars and responsibilities, and with a great passion and concern that is evident in his post below.  Thanks Bill! Talking... read more

Guest Post: Expert Advice on Auto Insurance for Teen Drivers

I am pleased today to offer a guest post written by Jim Donelon, President of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners,  and Commissioner of the Louisiana Department of Insurance. Commissioner Donelon resides in Jefferson Parish, La., with his wife. They... read more

Teen Driver Insurance Premiums

Consumer columnist Kevin Hunt of the Hartford Courant (“The Bottom Line”) recently wrote an informative column comparing how much household car insurance rates go up when a teen driver joins the family’s group of insured drivers.  The basic answer — no surprise... read more

Teen Driver Peer Pressure — Illustrated

In the past few months I have written several times about the dangers of joyriding — teen driving with no particular destination or timetable — and how the presence of passengers on a joyride is a formula for peer pressure that leads to risky driving... read more

Not So Good Advice on Teen Driving

One of my jobs on this blog, occasionally, is to point out advice given to parents of teen drivers that misses the mark.  My goal is not to embarrass or criticize any person or company, but sometimes one of the best ways to showcase good advice is to point out bad... read more

Announcing: The 9-1-13 Publication Of My Book, Not So Fast

Those of you with sharp powers of observation may have noticed an addition last week to the landing page of this blog:  the announcement of the publication of my new book, Not So Fast: Parenting Your Teen Through the Dangers of Driving. As detailed on our new website,... read more

An Excellent Teen Driving Infographic

On the heels of my post about how the National Safety Council has done us all a great service by collecting and publishing national news stories about teen driver crashes, they have published an infographic that aptly summarizes the statistics that document teen... read more

Upping the Ante on Teens Texting While Driving

In the past few days I have seen two news reports that individually and together demonstrate our law enforcement system getting tougher with teens who text while driving.  The first story involved a  20 year old in Wisconsin who left work to drive home around... read more

National Safety Council’s Teen Driver Headlines

One of the themes I have tried to develop on this blog is how the national public safety crisis of teen driver crashes, fatalities, and injuries is largely hidden from our view, for two reasons: crashes are so common that they are almost always reported as local news... read more