A listing of my most recent posts. For the full list, please refer to the Archives

Comforting Parents, One Year Later

On December 14, the one year anniversary of the Sandy Hook shootings, the Hartford Courant accorded me the honor of publishing the lead op-ed article.  The link is below:... read more

AAA Club of Southern New England – Video/Poster Contest

I am pleased to pass along information from the AAA Club of southern New England about their 2014 video and poster contest: The AAA 2014 Traffic Safety Message Contest is now underway.  Students in grades K-12 are encouraged to create a video or a poster to promote... read more

Nelson Mandela’s Traffic Safety Legacy

Nelson Mandela is being praised around the world for his work in overcoming apartheid and promoting integration and understanding among racial groups, but he also has a legacy in traffic safety.  His great -granddaughter Zenani was killed in a car crash in South... read more

Teen Drivers Texting While Stopped

The article linked below, which was tweeted by the National Safety Council, is an excellent summary of the risks involved when drivers start send or read text messages while their foot is on the brake and the vehicle is stopped.  The problems include not paying... read more

A Bad Ad

I am going to call a technical foul on Subaru for its recent TV commercial entitled “Stick Shift.” It shows a father instructing his teenage son in how to drive a stick shift, while the boy’s twin brother sits in the back seat.  The car lurches... read more

Parenting Teen Drivers Through Electronic Distractions

I am pleased to share the link below to a guest post of mine that was published yesterday by the Huffington Post. HP is doing a month-long series on distracted driving by all drivers, not just teens.  From the link below you can jump to other guest posts and videos on... read more

Email From A Mother of a Teen Driver

What keeps me going with this blog and the promotion of Not So Fast?  Emails like this one, from a mother of a new teen driver: “I just finished “Not So Fast” and printed out the Model Teen Driving Agreement.  Last month, my son flipped our vehicle... read more

Teen Drivers Taking “Selfies”

As much as I try to keep up with changes in technology that affect driving, so I can integrate the latest developments into my advice to parents of teen drivers, I will admit to sometimes feeling, and being, behind the curve.  And so it was when I received a press... read more