It is standard advice to parents of teen drivers:  “You are the keeper of the keys.”  Let’s explore what this means.                  In general, of course, no keys, no car.  (Yes, some cars now start with a push button; by “keys” I refer...

“Reader Comments” on Car Crash News Articles

An eighteen-year-old driver with a seventeen-year-old passenger crashed into a tree, killing the passenger.  On Facebook, the driver had a nickname, which here I will revise to “Wing Boy.”  The fatal accident was reported in the online version of a...

Distracted Driving: A Different Route

On September 21, U.S. Transportation Secretary Raymond LaHood will convene a second national summit meeting about distracted driving, which now accounts for an estimated 6,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries annually.  The experts will gather while auto manufacturers roll...

Should Teen Drivers Use Global Positioning Systems?

This topic started out with what seemed like a simple question from my friend Brandon Dufour, one of Connecticut’s most astute driving instructors and the owner of the All-Star Driving School.  A parent of one of his teen driver students insisted that even...

Juvenile Court? – Part 2

I have received several off-line comments about my last post on whether teen driver cases should be handled in juvenile court, where they are shielded from public view.  Most have opposed my position, saying that the teen driver has suffered enough; the criminal...