by Tim | Dec 21, 2010 | Uncategorized
Elizabeth Edwards, who died earlier this month, was and will remain one of my heroes. She lost her teenage son in a one-car accident in 1996, and she wrote about it in her 2007 book, Saving Graces. She was one of the prime inspirations for my manuscript, His Father...
by Tim | Dec 2, 2010 | Uncategorized
Today marks four years since Reid’s accident. I miss my son more than I can ever explain, and I still have days when I disbelieve that 12/2/06 really happened. But I can also report that 15 months of blogging, unexpectedly, has transformed Reid into a more...
by Tim | Nov 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
Every few days I get an email from the Safe Roads Coalition in Washington, D.C., the organization that, among other things, is promoting the STANDUP Act (a national minimum standard for teen driving laws) in Congress. The email usually includes links to news articles...
by Tim | Nov 19, 2010 | Uncategorized
You observe a teen driver you know — from school, sports, a community activity, the neighborhood — speeding, texting, drag racing, carrying passengers who you know are illegal, out in a car after the state’s curfew. Do you inform the teen...
by Tim | Nov 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
While many parents may assume that late night and bad weather driving are the most hazardous times for teen drivers, there is a body of research showing that it is actually the hours directly after school lets out that are the most dangerous. If we think about it,...