Measuring Teen Drivers in Tickets and Crashes

Today’s post continues my series drawing upon the book Traffic (2009) by Tom Vanderbilt.  One of his many right-on observations is that  drivers “measure themselves in tickets and crashes” (p. 64). In driving as in life, we respond to criticism in...

Notifying Parents About Teen Driver Violations

One of my continuing goals with this blog is to raise awareness among parents and other adults who supervise teen drivers, especially about items that are hidden, or for some reason not obvious or well known.  One of these is the fact at in the United States there is...

Teen Drivers With Attention Deficit

Today’s New York Times contains an important article for parents of teens who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.  The article is entitled “Roadblocks to a Rite of Passage,” by John...

Planning Your Teen Driver’s Route

Today, I begin a multi-part series drawn from observations about driving in Tom Vanderbilt’s terrific 2009 book, Traffic.  This book is full of insights.  It points out many aspects of traffic safety that are just below the surface of our consciousness as...