Upping the Ante on Teens Texting While Driving

In the past few days I have seen two news reports that individually and together demonstrate our law enforcement system getting tougher with teens who text while driving.  The first story involved a  20 year old in Wisconsin who left work to drive home around...

National Safety Council’s Teen Driver Headlines

One of the themes I have tried to develop on this blog is how the national public safety crisis of teen driver crashes, fatalities, and injuries is largely hidden from our view, for two reasons: crashes are so common that they are almost always reported as local news...

Summer Teen Driving: NO JOYRIDES

For the past week I have been reading in the Hartford Courant, as you have in your newspaper or news source,  about one high school after another celebrating its graduation.  The school year is over.  Summer is in full swing, weatherwise (it’s 94 here in Ct today) and...

Fatigue – the Sleeper Factor in Teen Driving Crashes

Ok, that’s a bad pun in the title of this post.  Just want to get your attention. Researchers at the George Institute for Global Health in Australia, writing in the American Medical Association journal JAMA Pediatrics, report the results of a large study about teen...