Teen Drivers Texting While Stopped

The article linked below, which was tweeted by the National Safety Council, is an excellent summary of the risks involved when drivers start send or read text messages while their foot is on the brake and the vehicle is stopped.  The problems include not paying...

Teen Drivers Home For The Holidays

I have been asked by the Century Council and its IKnowEverything program to submit a series of guest posts.  Here is the first one! https://twitter.com/IKnowEverything/status/405711176979324928...

A Bad Ad

I am going to call a technical foul on Subaru for its recent TV commercial entitled “Stick Shift.” It shows a father instructing his teenage son in how to drive a stick shift, while the boy’s twin brother sits in the back seat.  The car lurches...

Parenting Teen Drivers Through Electronic Distractions

I am pleased to share the link below to a guest post of mine that was published yesterday by the Huffington Post. HP is doing a month-long series on distracted driving by all drivers, not just teens.  From the link below you can jump to other guest posts and videos on...