Parents Trusting Teens With Fun That Can Be Dangerous

Parents Trusting Teens With Fun That Can Be Dangerous

I have had a knot in my stomach ever since I read about the 16 year old girl from Greenwich, Connecticut who was killed this past Wednesday while “tubing” — getting pulled on an inner tube by a powerboat — on Long Island Sound.  The girl was struck by the...
The President and Mrs. Obama Now Have a Teen Driver

The President and Mrs. Obama Now Have a Teen Driver

In case you missed it, Huffington Post Parents published “7 Absolute Truths” about being a Dad, provided by the First Dad himself.  Number 2 is about Malia having just turned 16, and her parents looking ahead to teaching her to drive.   Yes, I have sent the...
My Open Letter To New Teen Drivers, As a Two-Page PDF

My Open Letter To New Teen Drivers, As a Two-Page PDF

Some of you have seen my “Open Letter” to new teen drivers that was published by AOL Autos on its Autoblog on July 22 (not coincidentally, Reid’s 25th birthday).  We now have permission to reprint it, so it is attached as a tidy two-page PDF.  Feel free to use or...
My NOYS Safe Teen Driving Interview

My NOYS Safe Teen Driving Interview

The National Organizations for Youth Safety, known as NOYS, has been a steadfast supporter of my safe teen driving work, both on this blog and my book Not So Fast  (Sandy Spavone, former NOYS Executive Director, wrote the Foreword to Not So Fast).  NOYS intern Emma...