by Tim | Oct 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
Two weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking at the Blueprint To Save Lives Conference in St Louis, the biannual meeting of the Missouri traffic safety community — MoDOT, law enforcement, health care, first responders, and policy makers. To a person, the 250...
by Tim | Oct 16, 2014 | Uncategorized
As regular readers of this blog know, it has been my privilege in the past year to partner on several occasions with the Foundation For Advancing Alcohol Responsibility (FAAR), and its safe teen driver programs, especially its IKnowEverything program to curb...
by Tim | Oct 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
In the Summer of 2013, 17 year old Jane Modlesky, a Glastonbury High School student, died in a one-car crash. Her community is now rallying in her memory for the cause of safe teen driving — and the Town is being led by 17 year old Audrey Apanovitch, one of...
by Tim | Oct 14, 2014 | Uncategorized
Occasionally, an article about highway safety, as opposed to safe teen driving specifically, takes me back to the dark night of December 1, 2006. Today’s New York Times contains an article about state highway safety officials complaining about the safety of...